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제   목   : 포럼제주 일정변경 공지
작성자 관리자 등록일 2017-11-30

제 19차 포럼제주

3월 16일에 Forum Cheju를 하고 3월 17일, 18일에 JSP를 하는 것으로 조정되었습니다


일시: 2018년 3월 16일(금)  오후 3시 ~ 6시 30분

장소: 일본 동경


Dear Prof Chai,


Time passes so fast. How have you been in the hot summer 2017?

Now I have been thinking about how Forum Chaju 19 should fit nicely in the 87th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Parasitology. Here is my idea


FC 19 symposium/session: March 16 (Fri) 15: 00 - 18: 30 followed by Welcome Dinner

 (the number of talks will be very limited this time)

March 17 (Sat) - March 18 (Sun) JSP Annual Meeting:

 1) FC19 Korean participants are free in participating the JSP meeting, and invited to the Welcome Reception in March 17 evening (Thanks Prof Kano)

   In the party, please give us a word on ICOPA.

 2) Official announcement/presentation on ICOPA will be given in the Society Meeting.

 3) Panel meeting will be held sometime in the JSP meeting


I feel so sorry that the number of speakers will be VERY limited in this scheme (Only three hours!).

However, I believe that we should focus on ICOPA 2018 in Daegu in this coming FC19. During the JSP meeting, we can discuss organizing symposia or anything about ICOPA 2018.

Please let me know how you think.


With warmest regards,


Haruhiko Maruyama

번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회 파일
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165 대한의학회 제94호 e-뉴스레터 관리자 2018-05-29 2,066  
164 ICOPA2018 학회전용 등록페이지 안내 관리자 2018-05-10 4,242  
163 학회 소식지 4호 발간 관리자 2018-04-17 4,377   대한기생충학회 소식지4호.pdf
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159 ICOPA 2018 (19-24 AUGUST 2018) 관리자 2018-02-05 7,973  
158 포럼제주 일정변경 공지 관리자 2017-11-30 6,382  
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155 2017년 가을학술대회 사진입니다. 총무부 2017-11-01 4,458   DSC07704.jpg DSC07741.jpg

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